Monday, April 26, 2010

Going Back to Kosovo

We need to finish the job in the Western Balkans; Europe cannot afford to indefinitely maintain the status quo in the Balkans.

My thoughts over at Foreign Affairs about Unfreezing Kosovo.

Kosovo has been an splendid example of how super-powers, in this case US, run rough shod over other weaker states. Because they can.

While your suggestions about partitioning of Kosovo is useful, it will not happen. US & EU would be loath to give back what they stole.
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Yes, Kosov independence has enriched and empowered a few criminal elites, but has brought deeper impoverishment to most.

Just like Ukrainian independence has enriched and empowered a few criminal elites, but has brought deeper impoverishment to most.

Yes, the consequences of 30 years of US foreign policy success in former "Captive Nations" have been pretty uniformly disasterous for the "Captive peoples" in question.

But then, they never were the intended beneficiaries, were they.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! You didnt let my post through. I know you don't have the guts to debate. I was right. Your interest is not an American interest, it's on Russian domination interest. You are Putin's puppet, that's all. There are too many jokes on the internet, and you are one of the biggest. Bye bye, and when you write something, accept the comments of others.
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