Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 1000th Post

Some recent headlines which point to the ongoing rebalancing of power in the global system ...

--India launches its first homegrown nuclear submarine, the INS Arihant.

--the "G-2" meets under the style of the U.S. - China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.

The G-2 dialogue will be interesting--it is one of the "four dialogues" I identified last year as critical to how the international system of the 21st century takes place. [The others are the Russia-Europe dialogue, the dialogue between the southern democracies and the Euro-Atlantic world, and the dialogue among the rising powers of the south and east, notably India and China.)

Some questions...
With the struggles of the U.S. economy (debt, decline of the dollar, continued budget deficits) bringing "the pack" of the G-8 closer, will this avoid certain future conflicts due to a more multilateral influence? Or, will conflict be more probable? It seemed in the past that we were headed toward a G-2 game of chicken on every international issue between the U.S. and China. Quite reminiscent of the Cold War. With the growth of India and the apparent resurgence of Russia, we know have more players in the game. This despite the struggles of the EU.
The others are the Russia-Europe dialogue, i agree with it..
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Its great the "G-2" meets under the style of the U.S.

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